Sunday, September 8, 2013


It is so hard to believe we have been in Zambia for more than a week already!  It has been such a good time and I am hoping to update more on the past week later today!

This morning Maggie, Chrissy, and I got up at 6am to watch the sunrise.  It was so extremely beautiful and rose so quickly.  When we first got up, I almost thought that it was already risen because it was so light out already! (this could be normal...I wouldn't know since I am rarely up at this hour ;)

 It was just so gorgeous  We sat up on the water tower and did our devotions and just basked in God's beautiful creation!

This is the water tower we climbed to watch the sunrise
Side note:  Those that know me well know that I am so terrified of heights.  But I was determined to conquer my fear and climb this tower at least once to see the sunrise from up high!
 It may not look all that high but holy cow...I got to the top and was shaking like a leaf.  Maggie and Chrissy didn't realize I was so terrified of heights but quickly found that out!  It took me literally 15 minutes to actually get down.  I had to sit there and strategize the best way to get on that ladder without dying.  But I made it! (eventually)
Here I am posing with the tower that I conquered. :)

It was absolutely indescribable.  As we did our devotions, (which were honestly hard to concentrate on due to thinking about how I was going to have to climb back down that ladder in a few minutes) I read a verse that Hannah Chromer (a Zambia '12 member) gave to me before leaving.

"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.  You roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:16-17

I love that verse so much (Thanks, Hannah!) I definitely had to use some of that inner strength to climb back down that tower.  (the fear is real people!)  I hope to keep trusting in him as I continue to face difficult situations.

Have a wonderful morning, everyone!



  1. What answer full testimony! Glad you made it down safely!!

  2. Powerful testimony!!!!! Spell check caught me on the previous post!

  3. what a gift to share your journey through these posts...looking forward to tuning in more. thank you!

  4. I had goosebumps just reading this! Swinging that leg around to get on the ladder is the WORST!
