Sunday, September 8, 2013


 WARNING: This is a picture heavy post. There are children involved...self explanatory!

On Friday we had a free afternoon to do whatever we wanted.  So of course several of us jumped on the opportunity to go find the orphanage that was supposedly nearby.  We had one of the Fortress workers draw us a map and we set off down the dirt road.  It ended up only being about a 5 minute walk!

We played with kids all afternoon.  I had a kid in my arms within two minutes of being there.  They absolutely loved us and loved to be held and played with.  There were probably around 30 kids there altogether ranging from 9 months-13 years old.

The following are a bunch of the pictures from that day.  The kids took my camera and took most of the pictures.  They absolutely LOVED being able to take pictures.  Or in their words, "make photo".

I'm so in love with these children!  They were so sweet!

This is beautiful Joyce!  She loved to play with my hair.

This boy (Marshall) took my camera to the other side of the orphanage.  I had Joyce go get him cause I got a little worried about my camera.  When I looked at my pictures later I started cracking up because he just took about 20 selfies and other random pictures!  Here are a few for your enjoyment :)

LOVE this pic of Chrissy and Jaclyn.  So sweet.

I think Christina's hair was constantly being played with! They loved the blonde curls

I didn't get a picture but a large part of our day was spent giving piggy back rides.  Every time they wanted one they said, "Baboon me!" I thought it was hilarious!

What a wonderful day.  My heart breaks thinking that those kids have no families.  But it was so beautiful to see how they cared for one another and considered themselves to be a family.  I can't wait to go back!


1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Reminds me so much of when we visited a girl's home in Mexico. They jumped right in our arms and never wanted us to leave! I cracked up at the selfies of Marshall. Too funny!
