Monday, September 16, 2013


We have gone to church two times since being here in Zambia.  Each time I have been blown away at their spirit and zeal for Jesus!  It is probably the most fun I've had so far!
On Sunday, September 8th, we went to the Pilgrim Wesleyan Church in Choma

We got there early enough to participate in Sunday School.  It starts at 9 and is in the sanctuary right before the church service. 

Ms. Mukonde sang in a trio!

The pastor had SO much energy!!

After church we leave row by row and then shake everyone's hand in the church!  A typical church service is 2-3 hours.  This particular service lasted about 2.5 hours

Our bus causing traffic issues on the little dirt road

Ms Mukonde's house
 We stopped at Ms. Mukonde's house after church.  She lives just down the road from the church! We got to see lots of pictures and meet her family.

Yesterday, September 15th, we went to church here in Zimba.  It was yet again full of lively music and people on fire for Jesus.  It was a great service!  This week we arrived at 10 just for church and it lasted until noon.
I don't have a video of it right now, but our group got up front and introduced ourselves and even sang a song for them. (and it was only half our group...yikes!) They did cheer for us after we were finished!
For any of those wondering...this lady is wearing a chitenge.  They are just large piece of fabric your wrap around your waist as a skirt...there are some really awesome patterns!  I have bought 5 of them at various markets since I've been here.  One girl in our group has bought more than 10!

Church has become one of the most interesting and exciting times so far!  I have really enjoyed each church service and it will be weird to not see people dancing all over the place when I get back to the states! 

I tried to upload some videos of the singing and the energetic pastor preaching but the internet won't allow it :(

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