Monday, September 9, 2013

First Week Happenings

This post is mostly a hodge podge of events/pictures from the trip.

Sarah's hair...there has been a lot of braiding/fish-tailing going on here!
There are so many of these Puma gas stations around!
The market in Lusaka! I could have gone crazy buying stuff there but I don't have room yet :)
My very first chitenge!
Spending time in our air conditioned rooms in Lusaka!  Christy, Sarah and Julia were in perfect modeling poses.

We ate out for lunch at the market-Wimpy's seemed like the safest option
Leah, Abby, Christina, Chrissy, Kaitlin, Sarah, Maggie, Christy, Julia, and Jamaica
I thought I had ordered a black coffee but this came and was more of a Mocha.  It was delicious!
A few people ordered Cream Soda...this is what came.  Green juice.
Let's just say this is not real beef and that is NOT real ketchup.  It was very interesting.
Not so sure about the food here...
Then this pizza place came and changed our lives.  We ate here a couple times!

Church Rd is one of the main roads in Lusaka so of course I had to take a pic since I live on Church Rd!
We also found a cute little bakery/cafe so we got coffee drinks a few more times.  They were so good!
Zambia's version of an iced coffee
Maggie, me, Chrissy and Julia with our coffee drinks

This was the coffee served to us at Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ).  I took a pic for my dad since he loves this stuff. :)
Me, Maggie, and Lauren all dressed as triplets for the day! (and then I made them change) jk
We brought lots of extra suitcase of donated medical supplies.  We had to sort them all out so we can give them to the different hospitals we go to.

This hospital was so so awesome.  It was such a beautiful campus.  They offer free medical care to kids under the age of 16 including ENT, audiology, and physical therapy.  They also do surgeries for kids with club foot, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy and more.

Right across the road was the Zambian professional soccer stadium!  There was a game going on so there was tons of traffic.
These are the shoes they handmade for the kids with club foot

They hand make all these chairs/play stands for the kids with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy out of cardboard and recycled materials
This place was so awesome and I would love to come back and work here someday!
Our team with the lady who gave us the tour
Maggie braided my hair and I looked twelve.
We had to wait on the bus to pick us up for about 2 hours so we played a game of Speed Rabbit
Ms. Mukonde joined in!
So did Bud and Judy and they were hilarious!
On Thursday we loaded up all our luggage again and drove 6 hours from Lusaka to Choma.  It was only supposed to take 3 hours!  We got stopped several times and had a few issues.  But we made it here and are staying on the Fortress Vision compound!  It is another nice place.  No air conditioning here but we have a nice, big living room we can do stuff in.

The market in Choma

Looking at al the chitenges!
Chrissy looking in at the random man sleeping

Julia and Maggie

Our first weekend activity...volleyball!  I was very happy about this.


Our team won! :) (me, Rachel, Sarah, and Kaitlin)
Duck Dynasty and head lamps.  We find ways to entertain ourselves!
Sunday morning Egg in the Nest and real coffee.  Best morning ever!


  1. Thanks for all the great pictures! What's a chitenge?

  2. It is a colorful piece of fabric you wrap around yourself to make a skirt. Many of the skirts you see in my pictures are chitenges!

  3. Love seeing the homemade rehab equipment! So cool.
