Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Orphange :: Part 2

I have already written a post about the orphanage but I definitely think it deserves another one!
This orphanage has become a huge part of my heart and knowing I may never see those sweet children again breaks my heart into two.  I have never met so many kids who were so genuinely excited to see us!  They wanted to be played with. They wanted to be held.  They wanted to be loved.  We were all more than willing to give that to them!

11 of the 62 children at the orphanage are HIV positive.  Fortunately they are able to get the ARV's at the hospital and are being treated properly for it.  The kids range from ages 6 months to about 15 years old.

 This is Benny and I.  I don't think he was feeling very well this day so we pretty much snuggled the whole time we were there.

It's always mass chaos but so much fun!

Toms!  I was so excited to see these :) Maybe now my brother in law will stop making fun of me for wearing "elf shoes"

This place will always have such a soft spot in my heart!  I will never forgetting the jumping children full of excitement as our bus drove in their driveway.

Now here are a few sad pictures...

My poor iPhone dropped at the market and the screen was obliterated. :(  Fortunately I was able to find a screen protector a few days later so the glass stays in place!  Now it looks even more awesome because I had to tape the screen protector on the sides because it kept coming up.
I didn't use a mosquito net in Choma because I didn't have one for my bottom bunk and wasn't really getting any bites during the night (with plenty of bug spray/deet used each night, of course)  Unfortunately this night I got probably 40ish bug bites on my legs alone.  It was awful and SUPER itchy! 

Something to leave you with:
A prayer by Blaire Pascal (shared with me by me teammate, Chrissy)

"I ask you neither for health nor for sickness, for life nor death; but that You may dispose of my health and my sickness, my life and my death for Your glory. You alone knoweth what is expedient for me; You are the sovereign master; do with me according to Your will. Give to me or take away from me, ONLY CONFORM MY WILL TO YOURS. I know but one thing Lord, that it is good to follow You and bad to offend You. Apart from that, I know not what is good or bad in anything. I know not which is most profitable to me, health or sickness, wealth or poverty, not anything else in the power of men or angels and is hidden among the secrets of Your providence which I adore, but do not seek to fathom"


  1. Oh my! Your poor leg! I bet you are miserable!

    And your phone! There is a guy in Wooster that can repair the screen when you get home or maybe you are due for an upgrade?

    Can't wait to see you SOON!

    love you!

  2. I was very itchy for a while but am thankfully not getting as many bites in Macha so those ones are all healing!
    I sure hope that it doesn't cost a lot to get my phone you know? I am due for an upgrade in December so we'll see! See ya NEXT week!!

  3. Love the picture with the sun rays shining down in front of the orphanage. And loved the TOMS comment! :) Bummer on your phone!
