Saturday, October 19, 2013

Life in Choma

The Monday after we had rain was extremely cold.  It was probably between 60-70 with a breeze, but we have gotten used to temperatures of 90-100 pretty much everyday so this was COLD.  As we walked downtown, all the Zambians had their winter coats on.  I finally understand why Floridians are piling on the layers when it's 60 degrees in January while us Ohioans go down there and are in shorts and t-shirts. 

We had the privilege of having our ex-president of IWU, Dr. Henry Smith come visit us that day.  He is now the Chancellor of the University and has been traveling around the world to find opportunities for students to study abroad.  He many not be our president anymore, but we were all pretty excited about this. :)

We also got to go out to lunch at a cafe!  We hadn't eaten out since being in Lusaka so this was definitely a treat!  It was quite the experience to eat out but still exciting.  We also ate outside and were absolutely FREEZING.  Who knew we would ever get this cold in Zambia?
While we were ordering, they had some jewelery for sale.  Bud is super goofy and was willing to try it on for us. :)
We were so cold!

There was a slide so obviously these children had to use it. haha
It took forever to get our food and they brought each plate out one at a time.  The burger was definitely better than the one I got in Lusaka!
I got my food before these two and they were starving.  haha sorry guys!
Budford and Jude-Monster hanging out in our living room.  Aren't they just the cutest? 
We brought a bunch of cake and brownie mixes so we have been utilizing our access to the kitchen here to make treats once in a while
Study Day at Wonderbake!  This place sells baked goods, coffee, ice cream, etc.  It is also air-conditioned.  While some people shopped at the market, a few of us decided to get coffee and do homework here for the afternoon.  It felt like trying to find a table at McConn in there.  We scoped out the place and pounced on a table as soon as one opened up!
Pam and Phil Leslie...our professor and her husband, arrived on Friday, Oct. 4th and they came bearing gifts!! Shelli Rowley, the amazing woman who planned this trip, contacted our families and had them send us all packages.  It was the most amazing and much-needed surprise ever.  I got letters from my family, pictures, candy, and Starbucks Coffee. (not mad about that at all)   It was literally like Christmas morning.

Bud and Judy!  This is the day before they left.  We definitely miss having them here!
Spar is the grocery store here in Choma.  They also have a bakery so we got these amazing croissants one day.

A little taste of Fall in hot Zambia!  I was so excited to see a pumpkin!

This is an adorable little girl in church!  She just loved Sarah.

Kids either love us or are extremely terrified of us.  They loved us in church this Sunday!
We have worship night and testimonies every Sunday evening.  We have a fire pit here in Choma so we had our worship around the fire a couple weeks ago!  It was such a beautiful evening.  Each week I am blown away by everyone's stories.  We have cried many tears together sharing our hearts and learning more about one another.
Make-shift s'mores!  No graham crackers but interesting marshmallows and random crackers.

My first morning drinking my coffee from home.  Heaven.  (the coffee here is not so awesome)
Surprise ice cream at Wonderbake!

This is what we look like at pretty much every meal here...we play euchre ALL.THE.TIME.  It's an obsession.  I'm not sure if I'm going to go through withdrawal when we leave or if I'll never want to play again!

So many blessings each and every day!  I'm really loving my time here.

1 comment:

  1. I posted comments on all of these while in Colorado but with the lack of good cell service looks like they never went through :(

    Glad you can enjoy Starbucks! And I think church would be one of my favorite parts of this trip.
