Friday, August 30, 2013


God's faithfulness.

That is what comes to mind when I think about this trip I am leaving for in the morning.  God has proven His faithfulness to me and my teammates over and over again already and we haven't even left American soil! 

He began showing his faithfulness to our team back when we found out about this trip 8 months ago.  He chose these 16 different people for a purpose and I was so excited to get to be apart of this unique experience.  He has continued to be faithful as we all met and now have been together everyday for the past 8 days.  We have been getting along so well and I am so grateful for the fun and genuine people that are going on this trip.  This group is solid and each person brings a unique quality to the team that is so wonderful.  I am so excited to be able to get to know each of them over the next 11 weeks!

Above is the list we made for our "village" and wrote down all the qualities we are looking for in each other.  It is such a great reminder to love others and incorporate all of those traits into our every day lives.

Today during our consecration service, we sang the song "Lord I Need You".  The song is absolutely beautiful...but the lyrics are what speak straight to my heart.  The very first verse says, "Without You I fall apart. You're the One that guides my heart."  This holds true not only in this trip but also in life.  My prayer for this trip is that we allow God to guide our hearts and to lead us.

I hope to keep updating this blog periodically over the next 11 weeks.  Hopefully I can continue to convey God's faithfulness and His righteousness over and over.

Prayers would be appreciated as we will be traveling until tomorrow afternoon our time and 9:10pm Zambian time!  

-Whitney (Wendy)